Prabowo ... Speaking in Indonesia Economic Forum WITHOUT CONTACT, Accused of Fear of Debate ...

Kolom Utama. Comments Arya Sinulingga A member of the Jokowi-Ma'uf success team, who considers the Prabowo-Sandi camp afraid to argue, is denied by the success team of Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno. . The last proof in the international arena was that he was present as a speaker at the Indonesia Economic Forum in English WITHOUT CONNECTION.

Imelda Sari, director of BPN Communication, Prabowo-Sandi, asked Arya Sinulingga to be careful about her words.

"It is not true that the presidential and vice presidential candidate 02 is afraid of the debate. "I think the public knows who has empty vats," Imelda said on Tuesday (1/8).

The BPN camp Prabowo-Sandi sees the debate in the presidential election as a presentation and presentation of solutions to the nation's problems that must have a solution based on the candidate's vision and mission for the next 5 years. Imelda stressed that there were no worries or fears from her side.

The Prabowo-Sandi Success Team, seeing in the presidential election debate must also contain solutions to state problems that must be resolved in accordance with the candidates' vision and mission for the next five years. Imelda stressed that there was no concern on the part of UNO Prabowo-Codaga

"That the question or question that must be answered by the candidate will be taken randomly by the moderator from a number of questions prepared by the panelists and KPU," said Imelda.

Imelda, who is also a Democratic Cadre, is convinced that Prabowo-Sandi, the Presidential Election debate forum is proof that the presidential candidates who appear are the best choice for the people of Indonesia.

"So it's not the answer to the moderator's question that will be assessed later, what is wrong, how much is it right. But what will determine is the Indonesian people, which candidate pairs they believe can bring the nation and the state forward, "added Imelda

Prabowo during his youth tasted school in 3 foreign countries so that his language skills were above average. He met many people from various cultural backgrounds and it made it easy to get along and interact with people around him. coupled with his experience as a military officer with a myriad of command experiences making it better to organize a country. so it is very unusual if there is a charge that Prabowo is considered afraid of debating. Recently, Prabowo became the speaker who stole the attention of the public in the Indonesian economic forum (IEC), which was done spontaneously WITHOUT CONTENT


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