KPU Urged to Apologize for Lowering Bambang Widjojanto, Ex-Head of the KPK

Pojok Nasional. The General Election Commission (KPU) crossed the name of the former Deputy Chair of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Bambang Widjojanto (BW) and the coordinator of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Adnan Topan Husodo from a list of panelists debating the 2019 presidential election.

The KPU's decision to write off the two panelist debates' names was also criticized by the Indonesian Legal Rountable (ILR) researcher, Erwin Natosmal Oemar, and even called the write-off a reflection of the unprofessional attitude of the General Election Commission (KPU).

"I see the KPU now not working professionally and not having a clear character," he said on Saturday (1/5).

For information, Bambang Widjojanto and Adnan have legal and anti-corruption records that are capable of being used as debate material.

"Actually, a lot of legal and anti-corruption records can be taken from both of them," said Erwin.
Meanwhile, Erwin regretted the KPU's actions to cross out the two names. Even Erwin also urged the KPU to apologize to BW and Adnan, because they were the party who had been harmed by the actions of the General Election Commission (KPU) who had crossed his name.

"This kind of action undermines professionalism and harms the two people," Erwin explained.

The write-off of BW and Adnan from the list of panelists debates also raises questions, what exactly is the reason the KPU crossed these two names.


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