Prabowo Speaks to Discuss Injustice and the Difficulties of Community Life

Warta Jurnal. Presidential candidate number Prabowo Subianto again discussed the leakage of Indonesian wealth abroad. In a year-end speech that was discussed at Hambalang, Bogor, Saturday (12/29/2018). He said the leak was the beginning of the difficulties and injustices of the community.

"This is the key, we are not a source of wealth in Indonesia, controlled by foreigners," said the General Chairman of Gerindra in the video uploaded on his Facebook page.

Bro, Prabowo said that the Indonesian leadership disappeared every year could reach Rp.1,000 trillion. The statement has been repeatedly said by the former Special Forces Commander in Chief. And included in the presidential candidate debate in the 2014 Presidential Election.

"Remember the debate first? As soon as I say leak, hehehe, laugh. Every time I say a leak is laughing, I am ridiculed, it turns out that this government finance minister, Pak Brodjonegoro (Bambang Brodjonegoro) admitted, "Prabowo said.

During the period of tax amnesty, which was last 2016, Bambang, who at the time was Minister of Finance of the Working Cabinet, often mentioned that there were at least Rp. 11,400 trillion in Indonesian money parked abroad. "I said it was only Rp. 1,000 trillion," Prabowo said.

According to him, not only Bambang, the minister has the same statement, the Minister of Sovereignty and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti. Then, Susi once mentioned the loss due to illegal fishing, various maritime and maritime criminal acts could reach Rp. 3,000 trillion.

"So imagine, I just use conservative Rp.1,000 trillion, that is a calculation of the tax ratio and all kinds," said Prabowo. For this reason, he is optimistic that the key to improving the welfare of the community is managing finances so that they do not leak, including so that they are not corrupted. "So I am optimistic, we only have to manage the money."

In 2014, Prabowo Subianto had emphasized the termination of leakage of the nation's economic wealth. "Prabowo's expert team assesses Indonesia's leaked wealth to reach Rp 1,000 trillion per year," added Prabowo five years ago.

Prabowo-Sandi will bring this country to be more developed and become a Just and Prosperous country


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