Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno Assisted by Senior Professionals

Rakyat Id. Prabowo Subianto-Sandiga Uno The pair of vice-presidential candidates will be assisted by a number of important figures in Indonesia to prepare for the 2019 Presidential Election debate

Consisting of Senior Political figures, Members of the Advisory and Academic Team

The task of the respective leaders has the task of being a mentor, supplying material, practicing gestures to deliver yells

Priyo Budi explained there was a special team called "Delapan"

"I coordinated his team. There are eight teams below, "said Priyo

Mardani Ali Deputy Chairperson of the Prabowo-Sandiaga BPN, Mardani Ali Sera explained the Team of Eight was Sudirman Said, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, and Ledia Hanifa.

Here are six figures who played a role behind the preparations for the Prabowo-Sandiaga debate.

1. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY)

The Democratic Party Chairperson plays a very important role as Mentor for Prabowo-Sandiaga, and SBY's experience of winning Pilpers twice is important for Prabowo-Sandiaga, SBY's presence is very helpful for Prabowo-Sandiaga's Presidential and Vice-Presidential Candidates in making better policy programs in law

2. Amien Rais

Amien Rais gave input to Prabowo-Sandiaga, Amien Rais was the most senior politician who is now the Chair of the Honorary Board of the Sun Floating Party

3. Priyo Budi Santoso

Priyo became the Chair of Team Eight, a special team in charge of preparing preparations for the Prabowo-Sandiaga debate. On a number of occasions, Priyo did appear to go to the office of the General Election Commission and the Election Supervisory Agency to discuss various issues regarding the final voter list (DPT). The Secretary of the Karya Karya Party was also present at meetings at the KPU which discussed the moderators and panelists debating.

"There are those who prepare yells, floor directors, and so on," Priyo said.

4. Ledia Hanifa

Ledia Hanifa is a politician from the Prosperous Justice Party who was appointed as the coordinator of the debate of the National Winning Body. As the coordinator, Ledia oversees the debaters which includes all the cadres of the Gerindra Party, the Democratic Party, the National Mandate Party, and the Prosperous Justice Party who sit in the Law Commission of the House of Representatives.

5. Sudirman Said

Sudriman Said The former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources is the figure behind the material that Prabowo-Sandiaga will deliver when the debate is over i

Sudirman also communicated with a number of experts who were consulted. One of the experts was former KPK Deputy Chairman Bambang Widjojanto. "He standby we contacted," said Sudirman.

6. Ferry Mursyidan Baldan

Ferry Musyidan This former Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning as Director of BPN Volunteers is taking care of the preparation of the yells during the Debate


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